Why? Games Page

Rules and Regulations

See the Guestbook

When: Saturday October 7, 2000

Where: Scotch Hills Country Club 7:00 AM

The Events

(Click on event below for event info)

See the Guestbook

A special message from your host, John Ahle: "The 2000 Games were the best ever (from what I remember). Do you know why? I'll tell you why - because you came out and made it the best! The teams were evenly matched and the competition was fierce. I loved the Soccer, even though nobody played by the rules. The beer was great. Man Z is the best. The food was great. Last year I hurt my butt - This year I bashed in my head. I can't wait until next year! See ya then! Check http://members.home.net/cbachi to get info on the Games as it becomes available. Later Dudes! Yeah!

The draft was held on Sunday October 2, 2000 and here are the 2000 teams:
Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
Charlie Chin Sully Doc
Big Bill Doug Ahle Squid Ole' Joe
Don Joe Dan McGrath Jeff Macor Rick Sector
Man Q Man W Teddy Tenten Man Z

The 2000 Results (unofficial)
  • Golf - Chin's team won! Great play by the Ahle boys. No weak links. Charlie's team captured second - thanks to Big Bill and Chooch. Once again, nobody came close on the 'closest to the pin'.
  • Soccer - Even though most consider it a wimpy sport, we had some tough exciting games! Doc's team knocked out Chin's in the Final. Everyone was rooting for Doc's team. Charlie's captured 3rd - thanks to Chooch's footwork and Charlie's uncanny ability to 'throw' the ball into the goal. Sully could not get his guys to play as a team - too many Prima Donnas trying to be the heros!
  • Pass Punt & Kick - Doc's Team won (I think). Charlie got second (I think). I need to see the offical results! more to come on this.
  • Volleyball - Another great event - Chin's team defeated Sully's team in the Finals(I think). It was the best volleyball tournament yet. Charlie's team faded fast.
  • Horseshoes - Played into the night. Charlie's team won thanks to clutch tosses by Chooch. McGrath carried the Ahle's as far as he could.
  • Champions - Tie - Doc's Team - led by Ole Joe, and last year's Most Memorable Performer Rick Sector and this year's winner Man Z!
  • Champions - Tie - Chin's Team - the Ahle boys, crafty veteran Dan McGrath, and the amazing Man W - very consistent!
  • Third Place - Charlie's Team - Even with Big Bill, Man Q, and the feather award winner Don Chooch Auriema, they could only capture third.
  • Losers - Sully's Team - If guzzeling vodka was an event, they would have taken 3rd place. Even with former MMP winner Jeff Macor, Steady Teddy Tenten, and Senior Squid they could only get 4th. Sully is looking to get Weekly and Larry back!
     Charlie (3)      Doc (1)      Sully (4)       Chin (1)
Golf 2 1 0 3
Soccer 1 3 0 2
PP&K 2 3 1 0
Volleyball 0 1 3 2
Horseshoes 3 1 0 2
Totals 8 9 5 9
The results will be updated once the official results are verified by the ruling committee.
Once again, the awards ceremony was fantastic - Chin gave another great speech! It went something like this - "Blab, Blab, Blab, and a Blab, Balb, Blab". You had to be there to believe it. The 'Golden Bearst' trophy is missing. Man Z won the coveted 'Silly Little' award as the Most Memorable Performer. Don 'Chooch' Auriema won the brand new 'Feather' award for outstanding performance in the field of Excellence. Maybe someday Chin will tell us where this one came from. The post game celebration was the best. Sitting on the IOPG deck outside of the IOPG room behind the velvet rope was a once in a lifetime experience! This year we really missed Charlie Ahle, Bearst Ahle, Race Bannon, Larry, and Fritz. Hope you can make it next year. Once again "Special Thanks" to Monique 'Q' Ahle for hosting the Games and for taking care of Chin!

See you next year!

1999 Results