Why? Games Page
Horseshoes Rules and Regulations
Pass, Punt, & Kick
Why? Games Horseshoes
Here is the schedule for the Horseshoes: - Where: Chin's Horseshoe Pit - Three Bridges NJ
- When:   About 6 pm - give or take 2 hours
- Who:    Playing assignments will be provided at Shoe Time
- What:   2 on 2 / divide your team into 2 teams
- Read rules below carefully! no leaners, throw 2 shoes, it all official!
Rules and Regulations: - Single elimination tournament
- Games to 11; win by 2; or 15 straight
- Team 2 plays 3, Team 1 plays 4
- Split teammates never play each other until the final game
- Each player pitches both shoes followed by the opponent's two shoes.
- In pitching a shoe, the player may not cross the foul line.
- When playing teams, half the team throws from one stake and half throws from the other.
- Any shoe must be within one horseshoe-width (measured across the outside of the open end of the shoe) of the stake to be considered for points. (Official rules call for 6 inches max).
- Shoes hitting the grass or wood (logs) are 'dead' - and do not count (if they should rebound or roll into scoring position)!
- Shoes must land in the sand!
- The closest shoe to the stake gets 1 point.
- If you have two shoes closer than any of your opponent's, you get 2 points.
- Ringers are worth 3 points each and must completely encircle the stake so the ends can be touched with a straight-edge without touching the stake.
- If you have the closest shoe and a ringer, it's 4 points.
- If your opponent throws a ringer on top of yours, they cancel and no points are scored.
- Leaners are worth 1 point and are considered closer than any adjacent shoe except ringers. (Official rules give no value to leaners!!!).
- Beer Drinking and barbecue will continue
- See Chin, Sully, Doc, or Charlie if you have any questions
- Good Luck
This is the last event! Winners will be declared in the ceremony following the horseshoe finals.