Why? Games Page
Volleyball Rules and Regulations

Pass, Punt, & Kick
Why? Games Volleyball
Here is the schedule for the Volleyball event:
- Where: Chin's Backyard - Three Bridges, NJ
- When:   4 pm or whenever the Tug of War is finished
- Who: 4 Four man teams
- What: Double elimination tournament
Rules and Regulations:
- Games to 7 (by 1); win by 2; or 11 straight
- Team 1 plays 3, Team 2 plays 4
- Double elimination
- Only serving team can score
- Make your own calls (don't be a wimp or a dick)
- Losers move to 'losers bracket'
- No touching the net
- Don't cheat
- Don't get hurt
- See Chin, Sully, Doc, or Charlie if you have any questions
- Good Luck
The final event is the 2 man Horseshoes. This is the last event, also at Chin's